6. Analyze Sone says the camp "was hopefully called Camp Harmony." Do you think the name is appropriate, or is it ironic? Support your answer with evidence from the text.
Harmony - noun (pl harmonies) a state of agreement or of living together in peace: We need to live more in harmony with our environment.
In my opinion, I reckon Sone is being ironic when saying the camp "was hopefully called Camp Harmony". After observing the surrounding areas, she recognizes that they locate near the baseball field and the racetracks - which can be referred as the camp of army barracks.
Those images of baseball field and racetracks, or even the words army barracks, often infer to harsh, strict trainings. Probably she is crediting that the interned Japanese Americans will be doing harsh trainings, and that she hopes she can make it through peacefully. Likewise, another example that proves the name of the camp is ironic is, "Throughout the barracks, there was a medley of creaking cots, whimpering infants, and explosive night coughs." (pg.519) or "All through the night I heard people getting up, dragging cots around" - when there are multiple leaks dropping from the roof - (pg.520).
The examples above confirm that the camp is not pleasant, or to put it differently, is NOT in harmony; but rather an uncomfortable living condition. And above all this, how can it be a "Camp of Harmony" when people are not comfortable living there? Isn't harmony supposed to be a state of an agreement - which means both sides are meant to contentedly follow? This isn't an agreement, because Sone and other Japanese Americans are not considered involved to decide – which also means it is NOT “Camp Harmony” at all.
Great job Lisa....as always. I think that your answer is very thoughtful and I like the fact that you put real examples from text to support your opinion.
As expected '_'
Flawless as always. TEA structure, solid evidences and topic sentence.
And I like the pictures and the math formulas :D
this is really thoughtful Liz. The ideas and evidences that you used to support your opinion is kinda similar to mine, well mine is not as good as yours. And i love the formula picture that you created. So cute and also explain your text! Really good work indeed. Good job Lizard!
I really love how you explained everything clearly mostly with the pictures. I think everything you have said has proven your main point. Very Nice Lisa :)
Good, the evidence you found in the text to prove your idea is so different then mine but it still prove the camp is not harmony. Cool!
WOW !!!! that's long :D but I really like your answer, i can understand what you want to explain really easy and clear. :D nice ;)
OMG ! WOW i love how u answering a question threw beauty, the beauty of art. Your evidences and ideas are like amazing, i always like pictures because i learn more from beauty.
Baby I like it
The way you use the pictures
Baby I like it
Come on and give me some more
Oh yes I like it
Screaming like never before
Baby I like it
I, I, I like it.
Very cool blog post with a lot of images, in which is easier to help people understand! Amazing analysis, you must put a lot of effort in this entry, gurl! I envy you! :P :D =)) :((
Wow, the answer is very thoughtful with great explanations and pictures. Good job !
You use picture to explain your ideas and showing stuff, it cool, and you have a good ideas too. GREAT
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